For the second year in a row local poets are going raw. It's the annual fundraiser for the Victoria Slam Team: bigger, better, and just as naked! Come out and support as local poets bare their souls...and a whole lot more!
Come see some the most inspiring spoken word show of the year.
Poetry in the Raw is a fundraiser. It will help Peters, Thompson, Kristy, and one other poet raise cash to compete in a national poetry slam competition in Calgary, held in November as part of the Canadian Festival of the Spoken Word. (Victoria hosts the Canadian Festival of the Spoken Word in 2009, by the way. )
Evening free, a night out! "Slam poets" who recite at open-mic poetry performances at Solstice. The series, happening every second and fourth Thursday of the month, is called Tongues of Fire."I had such a great night! The Hair Garden Salon was a sponsor for the Poetry in the Raw and I would have to say I have never felt so moved, emotional, and free!
"First time for me attending an evening of Poetry, and I am hooked"
"When the poet is nude, she said, the body becomes an integral part of the performance."
"Amazing, gut wrenching, liberating, therapeutic and absolutely wonderful"