Here is a taste of the Bipolar Babe Benefit/Hair Show and Art Gala! The trendiest trio of the hour - Bipolar Babe aka Andrea Paquette and Jennifer Davies Owner/Stylist of The Hair Garden Salon, and our amazing gifted artists have joined forces! Serving up the best in fashion, Art and Mental Health Education the evening will also include music performed by Christoph and our special guests The GRATiDUDES! The evening will consist of a Hair/Fashion show with are models Bipolar Babe, Depressed Diva and Post Pardum Princess! Devilish Damsels, Freedom and the Victoria costume shop will be the featired fashions for our show! The Hair Garden salon will be turning heads with Marie inspired styles, the 1930's and 1950's, and Jennifer's
Eco-friendly Beautiful Babes!
Date: Nov 27th/09
Place: The Event Center
Time: 7:30pm Tickets: Sold at Hemp and Co. Govt location and Craigflower!
More info to come!
Here is a radio interview with Bipolar Babe!-
Local radio station People First Radio: This was super fun!! http://www.columbiancentresociety.com/pfr.php
Date: Nov 27th/09
Place: The Event Center
Time: 7:30pm Tickets: Sold at Hemp and Co. Govt location and Craigflower!
More info to come!
Here is a radio interview with Bipolar Babe!-
Local radio station People First Radio: This was super fun!! http://www.columbiancentresociety.com/pfr.php