Dreads at The Hair Garden
Still Not Sure About Getting Dreads?
Hopefully this section will help to put to rest some the concerns you may have about ‘those smelly, dirty dreadlocks.'
Contrary to popular belief, dreadlocks ARE NOT stinky or smelly unless you are putting something weird in there or not taking care of them properly. One of our main objectives here at The Hair Garden is to attempt to dispel many of these myths, and this is why we dedicate so much time to telling you how to care for your dreads, that washing them regularly is very important, etc. Many people who choose to let their hair lock without the use of a product to speed this long process up will stop washing their hair because they feel that the natural oils are good for starting dreads. This is also a fallacy. Oil lubricates and conditions hair, making it more difficult for knots to form, and oily buildup will also begin to smell over time. Washing the hair and stripping these oils out will make locks form faster because knots are created more easily, in fact, in dry, clean, unconditioned hair!
Which brings us to the precise reason why we use the fine line of Knotty Boy dread lock products. You see, some of us (and our Moms!) can't stand unwashed hair, but would also like to achieve this most fabulous style known as dreadlocks. Because Knotty Boy Dread Wax is beeswax-based, and beeswax is non-water soluble, this means that you can have dreads done up with Knotty Boy and still wash your hair!!! It's true!
So Moms and other innocent bystanders, we hope that this will help ease your mind with the idea of your loved ones starting dreadlocks using Knotty Boy Dread Wax. It'll keep their hair clean and washable, and they'll finally have that hair style they've been bugging you about for the past year or so. Also, feel free to email us anytime with your concerns www.thehairgardensalon.com - we'd be happy to answer whatever questions you might have.
OK, now for the real dirt! First and foremost, we have some bad news and some good news for you, so read this stuff carefully...
The BAD news is, super-awesome locks do NOT just happen overnight. You must understand that, unlike a quick cut at your local salon, this new 'do takes a lot more patience than any other - sometimes even years of patience. You must be willing to deal with uncooperative hair for a little while, at least until they actually start growing into locks by themselves and especially if your hair is quite short. (Short locks tend to work their way out faster than long, tangled locks, so they take a lot more maintenance. However, it also can be good to start them when they're short as they tend to turn into stronger, tighter locks in the end.)
So that's the bad news. But have no fear! The GOOD news is that Knotty Boy deadlock products help speed up the whole process of "letting them come together" in a BIG way, binding those locks together so they don't come apart in the soft, early stages and lets them get a good head start. After about three weeks or so, you'll start to find that your new locks are getting tighter and harder... yep, they're turning into real locks, baby! You still have a long ways to go. Patience, patience. Keep working on them all the time. Even when you're just sitting at school, on the computer or reading a book it helps to keep palm-rolling them up or back combing them tighter when you have a minute. Just think your working your hair into wicked dreads! And that's the super awesome good news.
To book a free consultation or appointment call:
(250) 384-7494
Important! Please read!
- all price-quotes on services are subject to change based on length/thickness
of hair and actual time spent in appointment
- valid Visa or MasterCard number or cash deposit is required
to reserve appointment for ALL dread lock and related services
- 48 hr. cancellation notice must be given, or your deposit becomes
If less or no notice is given, The Hair Garden Salon will be required to charge your credit card number with a $75 fee or retain your deposit to cover costs incurred - SO GIVE US LOTS OF NOTICE if you must cancel or reschedule!
- Depending on your service, your appointment could take a VERY long time, often over 4 hours or more. We encourage you to bring laptops (free wireless), i Pods (hook up to our stereo if you want), knitting, homework, snacks/lunch, whatever will help you pass the time.
- As it's a very small salon, please ask visitors to wait elsewhere for you during your appointment and keep visits short. Thanks!
We charge $ 100per hr and $1 per minute for maintenance!
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